Wasted Talent Vol. 5: Redesigned
Wasted Talent Vol. 4: Professionally Awesome
Wasted Talent Vol. 3: Cubicle Warfare
Almost Real Vol. 2 Flight
Almost Real Vol. 1
100 Demon Dialogues
YU+ME Dream Omnibus (2 volume set)
Almost Real Vol. 4
Wasted Talent Vol. 2: Welcome to the Real World
Tragic Relief
Wasted Talent Vol. 1: We Are the Engineers
Head Meds and Other Stories
American Terrorist
The Phantom of the Opera: graphic novel adaptation
Tabula Idem
Down to Clown
We Belong
Give Her Back to Me
JOAN Vol. 1
It's Okay That It's Not Okay
Embodied: An Intersectional Feminist Comics Poetry Anthology
Wayward Kindred
Darlin’ It’s Betta Down Where It's Wetta
Livin' in the Now
Becoming Who We Are
The Rosalarian Tarot Coloring Book
Living in the Pandemic