Wasted Talent Vol. 5: Redesigned
Wasted Talent Vol. 4: Professionally Awesome
Wasted Talent Vol. 3: Cubicle Warfare
Almost Real Vol. 2 Flight
Almost Real Vol. 1
100 Demon Dialogues
YU+ME Dream Omnibus (2 volume set)
Almost Real Vol. 4
Wasted Talent Vol. 2: Welcome to the Real World
Tragic Relief
Wasted Talent Vol. 1: We Are the Engineers
Head Meds and Other Stories
American Terrorist
The Phantom of the Opera: graphic novel adaptation
Tabula Idem
Down to Clown
We Belong
The Rosalarian Tarot Coloring Book
Give Her Back to Me
JOAN Vol. 1
It's Okay That It's Not Okay
Embodied: An Intersectional Feminist Comics Poetry Anthology
Wayward Kindred
Darlin’ It’s Betta Down Where It's Wetta
Livin' in the Now
Becoming Who We Are
Living in the Pandemic