Who's Behind This?
Hi there!

My name is Anne Bean, and I came into comics in the roundabout way of a small-town kid in the 90s. I began by reading webcomics and checking out trades at my local library. Eventually I moved to a city for college and went to a real live comic shop, gosh! As an adult, I live in Seattle and have the joy of being a part of the vivid Seattle comics scene. From independent collectives to Fantagraphics, the Seattle indie scene is better than ever. I write comics and work with a variety of artists, and contribute to the DUNE comic zine. In 2015, I was awarded an Artist Trust GAP grant to complete several of my own comics. I love indie comics, from mini-comics to webcomics to the brilliant Kickstarter anthologies of recent years. My dream is to help get these comics out into the world in a way that’s affordable, accessible, and helps support marginalized voices.