Wasted Talent Vol. 5: Redesigned
Wasted Talent Vol. 4: Professionally Awesome
Wasted Talent Vol. 3: Cubicle Warfare
Almost Real Vol. 2 Flight
Almost Real Vol. 1
Lesbian Gender Outlaw
100 Demon Dialogues
Bean Zine
Wasted Talent Vol. 2: Welcome to the Real World
Almost Real Vol. 4
100 Demon Dialogues plushie
Wasted Talent Vol. 1: We Are the Engineers
Outfoxed: A Fable
Almost Real Vol. 3
Up the Columbia!
The Secret Ingredient is Love
The Butch Lesbians of the '20s, '30s, and '40s Coloring Book
New Haven Lodge
The Queer Language of Flowers II
Becoming Who We Are
Historically Queer Flowers
The Legend of Big Butter Jesus
Thoughts from Iceland
Iron Scars, Vol. 1
Draw Bugs!
Eggs & Oatmeal: Comics about friendship & breakfast
Cutie Steel Lijin: Make Comics Not War
Convergent Evolution