Lesbian Gender Outlaw
Bean Zine
The Secret Ingredient is Love
Up the Columbia!
The Butch Lesbians of the '20s, '30s, and '40s Coloring Book
New Haven Lodge
The Queer Language of Flowers II
Historically Queer Flowers
The Legend of Big Butter Jesus
Draw Bugs!
Eggs & Oatmeal: Comics about friendship & breakfast
Cutie Steel Lijin: Make Comics Not War
Convergent Evolution
Weird Gryphons
Beneath the Twilight Zone: Strange Creatures of the Deep Ocean
A Couple of North American Cryptids
We Need You to Hear This
King's Keep
What Happens When a Tree Dies
Beyond 'Don't Quit Your Day Job'
Not Really a Horoscope
Is That Your *REAL* Name?
Gossip Crows
Butterfly Monster Worm and Other Creatures
Heavyweight Desk Jockey World Champ
Galaxy Ballerina
Grand Adventure
Rim to River
Down to the Seas Again